We have the right help to answer your questions.

Research has shown that binge eating affects about 30% of people with obesity and greatly compromises healthy eating, self-esteem and, consequently, involvement in healthy lifestyles and the perception of personal well-being.

Do you feel like you eat large amounts of food even though you’re not hungry? Do you feel that you can’t stop eating after starting, even having loss of control over eating? If you need help with these questions, schedule your appointment at a specialized psychology facility that we have available to help you.

We are waiting for you…

UNO clinic

Medical Acupuncture | Aesthetic Medicine | Anti-Aging Medicine | Physiotherapy | Psychology | Clinical Psychology | Clinical Hypnosis | Nutrition | Podiatry | Homeopathy | Biobehavioral Consulting | Integrative Medicine | music therapy | Coaching and Conflict Mediation | Occupational Medicine

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